More than Conquerors

Amanda ColeSaints Blog

Blessings to you from your friends at Springfield Lutheran School!  We are gearing up for another incredible school year.  This year, our theme is “More than Conquerors” based on Romans 8:37, “We are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”  You might be thinking, “What could school kids possibly have to conquer?”  Take yourself back to your school days – were there fears or failures that you had to overcome?  For kids, it may be something like leaving Mommy all day for the first time, that pesky spelling test every Friday that hangs over their head like an anvil, or even *GASP* tackling Algebra I with Mrs. Wanner before high school!  You may be chuckling to yourself and thinking something along the lines of, “Those were the days!”  But to children, those fears are very real and just as terrifying as an adult needing to conquer their fears of failing at work, in their marriage, in finances, or with relationships.  Living in a sinful world brings challenges to all ages, and it all matters. 

It can seem impossible to deal with our problems and hurts.  The amazing news is that the Bible reminds us that we are more than conquerors through HIM!  It doesn’t promise that our walk on this earth will be easy, but we know that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God.  Romans 8:38-39 reminds us that not even death or life, angels or demons, present or future circumstances, powers, height or depth, or anything in creation can separate us from his love.  We all have mountains to climb.  Our problems may feel trivial or overwhelming, but it all matters to God.  He cares for us, wants to help us carry our burdens, and is with us – even when we don’t deserve it.  Our prayer is that we are all bolstered in our faith to climb any mountain that comes our way.  His love endures forever, and gives us what we need.  We are more than conquerors through him who loved us!