The year 2020 will be one that we never forget. We came to school on Friday, March 13th not knowing that COVID-19 would keep us from returning to the building in that school year. Since then, a great deal has happened. We have stayed home. We are required to wear masks. Rules have changed. School planning for the 2020-2021 school year looks vastly different.
As summer approached, we prayed a great deal about offering Summer Care to our students. Was it possible? Could we safely provide them with childcare that would allow their parents to return to work? After a great deal of research, consideration, and planning, we decided to offer Summer Care. The list of rules to open the building and provide care looked completely overwhelming. Was it possible? Was it worth it?
And then, we opened the doors. In walked children who were absolutely thrilled to see other people. They marveled at being in the building again. They happily exclaimed to see classrooms that were familiar. They relished the time they could spend playing with other children. As we began our daily routines, it became obvious that, while the regulations looked scary and difficult, they became easier with time. Is it easy? No. But the time spent with these children make it absolutely worth every bit of effort. When life felt scary, we chose to embrace faith over fear – and it was absolutely worth it. The joy that comes with stepping out in faith is indescribable.
Now we consider school in the fall. The news continues to bombard us with things that would terrify anyone. There are so many questions. There are so many new logistics to figure out. Can we meet the needs of students in the building? Can we meet the needs of children who choose to participate in elective home learning? Stepping out in faith again seems daunting. However, we choose to embrace faith over fear, trusting that the result will be a blessing and be absolutely worth it. Will it be easy? No. Will it be scary? Yes. Seeing the delight of our Summer Care students as they are reunited with friends and embrace a somewhat normal routine pushes us to work harder, to trust more, and to do what we can to provide ALL students with some semblance of normalcy. We know that will look very different for every family. We trust that God will make it clear to each family what is the best fit for them, and we support whatever His plan is.
I am certain that this is why God chooses not to reveal all of His plans to us. We would be terrified. We would feel weak, inadequate, and scared. God is teaching me now, more than ever, that He is there in ALL circumstances. Choosing to step out in faith will bring great blessing, although that doesn’t mean we will have it easy. Let’s stick together. We are all in this together. Let’s hold hands and step out in faith, together. You are not alone. God has this. We can trust Him.